We have moved! 

Please use our new website www.beestonparishchurch.com Link below

Beeston Parish Church – A place of Welcome

We worship together at 8am and 10am on a Sunday, and at 10am and 7pm on a Wednesday.  You are very welcome to join us.

St. John's is the Church of England parish church which serves the people and town of Beeston, in Nottinghamshire.  

Our worship, theology and spirituality (what we believe, and how we relate to God and one another) are broadly in the modern catholic style - but if that's new to you, there are plenty of opportunities to find out more about what that means.  We believe in creating spaces where people can encounter something of the mystery and love of God, we encourage one another as we ask questions, and make connections between faith in Jesus and our everyday lives, and we try to be open to different ways of seeing.  

Whatever brings you to St John's we hope you find a warm welcome and space for encounter with God, with community and with yourself.

Want to keep in touch?

Great!  The best way to do that is to sign up to our weekly email newsletter by following this link.

Want to support our mission and ministry?

Thank you!  Generous giving enables everything we do at St John's and as we move forward, your support will help us plan confidently for the weeks and months ahead.  You can make an online gift, or set up a regular donation by Direct Debit or PayPal by following this link to our CAFDonate page.

Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday 13th August 8am Said Eucharist 

Sunday 13th August 10am Sung Eucharist - you can view the order of service here

Wednesday 16th August 10am Said Eucharist

Wednesday 16th August 7pm Said Eucharist  

Every Thursday 10am to 12pm we have our coffee morning. Please pop in for a drink, some cake and a natter!

Stitch and Meditate: This takes place from 10am to 1pm on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. Everyone and all crafts welcome! We next meet on 12th August.  

Mothers’ Union: Saturday 12th August: Diocesan Mary Sumner Day  Service in the Old Palace Gardens 3pm ( seating available). Followed by prayer and meditation stations around the garden. Book Stall run by Shirley Dawe( diocesan MUe Rep) Car parking available in Jubilee House (Diocesan offices) 1pm – 6pm. Opportunity to join congregation for Minster Evensong at 5,30pm. All welcome.

Thursday 14th September - Annual branch service and discussion led by Father Rob – 2.15pm in church.

Sunday 17th September - Wave of Prayer Day. Please make a special effort to attend the 10am eucharist in church that morning – orders of service will be distributed.

SAVE THE DATE! The annual bellringers’ quiz will be on 14th October.

‘Green Pastures’ – Dementia Friendly Service: The next service will be on Tuesday 5th September from 2pm-3pm. This is a short service of music, prayers and reflection, with tea & coffee afterwards. It continues on the first Tuesday of every month.

Safeguarding information

The Church of England, its archbishops, bishops, clergy and leaders are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church.  At St John the Baptist, Beeston, we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously.

You can view our Safeguarding Policy here

Our Incumbent is:  Father Wayne Plimmer (0115 925 4571)

Our safeguarding Co-ordinator is:  Julie Howson (07583 007396)

If you have concerns about possible abuse (including allegations):

  1. In an emergency, respond immediately.  Call 999 for emergency services.
  2. Consult the person to whom you are responsible eg. leader of your group, or the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, or your incumbent.

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is

Julian Hodgson

Jubilee House, Westgate, Southwell, Nottingham. NG25 0JH

Tel 01636 817200

email:  safeguarding@southwell.anglican.org

Other contact numbers:

Nottinghamshire County Council Children and Adult Social Care:  0300 500 8080 (Out of hours: 0300 456 4546)

Nottingham City Council Social Care:  Children: 0115 876 4800 or 0115 876 5600. Adults:  0300 131 0300.  Out of hours:  0115 876 1000

South Yorkshire:  Children:  01302 737 777. Adults: 737 391

Police:  Non-emergency 101


Easyfundraising: Beeston Parish Church is now on easyfundraising, which you can help support by raising free donations with over 7000 brands every time you shop online. Signing up is simple, with just a contact name and email address required. Information will be on the table at the back of the church and if you need any help please see David Butler. Search | easyfundraising

Eco Corner (Poetry Edition)

For the Children, Gary Snyder

To climb these coming crests

one word to you, to

you and your children:

stay together

learn the flowers

go light

Local Artist: You might notice a digital painting of the church on display. This has been created by Darren Purdy, an artist who lives in Beeston/Chilwell just off Cator Lane. He creates digital paintings of local landmarks and has prints that are currently on sale at The Plane Tree art shop in Beeston town centre. He has also created a painting of 'The Beeman' and I am working on a piece of 'Fred Hallam Ltd'. You can visit his Instagram page @darren_art or pop in to The Plane Tree for more information.

Parish Office: Please note that Kathryn will be on annual leave w/c 21st and 28th August. If you have any notices for the Sundays affected, or other jobs to be done, please let her know before Thursday 17th August. Many thanks.

Children and families at St John's

Our children and families have been meeting online during lockdown, and since Easter we've also been joining together in church once a month.  You but you can follow our Messy Church and Sunday School on their Facebook pages, for more child and family-friendly updates. 

Past Cases Review 2

As we renew our commitment to making church a safe place for everyone, and learning from past mistakes and failings, please read this important message from Bishop Paul.  You may also find this additional information helpful.  Details of our parish and diocesan safeguarding contacts can be found in the panel to your left.


You are welcome to join any of our regular groups.

Church Groups/Activites

Tuesdays in Term Time      9:30am ABC2 (And Baby Came Too) Baby and Toddler Group (re-starts on 12th September)

Thursdays                          10am  Coffee Stop

Every 2nd Thursday            2pm Mothers’ Union

Every 3rd Thursday             4:30pm Julian Prayer Group

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am Stitch and Meditate

Every 1st and 3rd Sunday   10am Youth Group

Every 2nd Sunday                6pm Youth Group

For more information about any of our services, please contact the Parish Office beeston.parish@gmail.com

Father Wayne Plimmer can be contacted on 0115 925 4571 or 07923 099817 or wplimmer125@gmail.com

You are more than welcome to join us for any of our services

Regular Services

Sundays                    8am    Said Eucharist

                                 10am  Sung Eucharist

Wednesdays            10am Said Eucharist

                                 7pm Said Eucharist

Every 1st Sunday     6:30pm BCP Evening Prayer

Every 3rd Sunday     6:30pm Taizé Service

Every 1st Tuesday   2pm ‘Green Pastures’

                              Dementia Friendly Service

For more information about any of our services, please contact the Parish Office beeston.parish@gmail.com

Father Wayne Plimmer can be contacted on 0115 925 4571 or 07923 099817 or wplimmer125@gmail.com

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